“It is with deep gratitude and appreciation that I say ‘thank you’ for the truly excellent course materials, web site, webinars and personal instruction in Los Angeles that you provided during the many months leading up to the exam. Everything about your course was first rate and extremely helpful, especially the various acronyms you developed as learning tools in the written materials. I would highly recommend your course to anyone considering taking the specialist exam. It would be foolish to ‘go it alone.’ You’re the best!”

– Keith Codron, Law Offices of Keith Codron, Irvine, CA

“Peter, I just wanted to send you a quick note so say thank you for all you did to help us prepare for the specialist exam. I had my second child in July and there were many weeks during my maternity leave where the only studying I could do was to attend the weekly webinar on mute while rocking my newborn. The class was incredibly helpful and kept me disciplined with my studies. The course in Los Angeles was invaluable. I left the test feeling confident and well prepared, and I was so happy to learn that I had passed. Thank you again. I will definitely recommend your course.”

– Katherine E. Wells, Edsall Law, Camarillo, CA

“A big thank you to Peter Myers and your team at Fox Rothschild. Not only was it a great course with practical, useful information that I use in my practice every day. Not only was it the sole reason that I passed the exam, but now it’s the course that keeps on giving.”

– R. Sam Price, Price Law Firm, APC, Redlands, CA

“I passed. But even if I hadn’t, taking Peter’s course was a great experience. I think I speak for all solos that there is something incredibly reassuring about feeling as though there is outside support. Thank you, Peter!”

– Barbara Nesbet, Law Office of Barbara Nesbet, Los Gatos, CA

“My staff just emailed me my passing letter, so I wanted to be the first to tell you. I can’t thank you enough for all your help. We met in 2013 when I had been doing estate planning for less than a year, and we’ve come a long way. I’m really looking forward to the 2019 exam and helping out to improve the program.”

– Mark E. Swatik, Burkley Brandlin Swatik & Keesey LLP, Torrance, CA